HMTCA-Trinity Partnership
Aspects of the Partnership
Summer Writing Institute: HMTCA students attend a summer writing institute taught by Trinity faculty in cooperation with HMTCA faculty. The institute is designed to teach college writing skills.
HMTCA Students in Trinity College Courses: Selected HMTCA students enroll in introductory-level Trinity College courses. These classes have included Calculus, and introductory courses in Philosophy, Music, English Literature, Computer Science, Chemistry, Classics, Japanese, and Psychology.
HMTCA Classes on Trinity’s Campus: Certain HMTCA classes are hosted on Trinity’s campus. For the 2022-2023 academic year, 60 HMTCA seniors took their senior English course in a Trinity classroom. HMTCA courses at Trinity allow high school students to get a feel for college life.
TRIN-HMTCA Tutors fosters connections between HMTCA and Trinity students through twice weekly tutoring and mentoring sessions. Thirty HMTCA students engage in homework help and enrichment activities with the Trinity student mentors.
HMTCA Events and Activities at Trinity College: HMTCA students and staff participate in events on Trinity’s campus. A highlight of these activities are monthly lunches at Mather dining hall in collaboration with student leaders from OMA and MOCA . The lunches include students from HMTCA, students from Trinity, and the partnership program manager.
Get in touch
Liliana Polley (she/her)
Executive Director, Center for Hartford Engagement and Research, CHER
Office: Mather Student Center, lower level and Room 301, 70 Vernon Street, Hartford CT
Phone: 860-297-4266
Learn about recent projects of the HMTCA-Trinity Partnership with these story highlights.
HMTCA-Trinity Partnership Photos Throughout the Year
HMTCA-Trinity Partnership Photos Throughout the Year