Student Highlight: Breanna Pitta and Eulalia Esquenet, HMTCA Middle School Soccer Coaches

Breanna Pitta
Class of 2027, Environmental Science and Public Policy and Law major, Community Action minor.
Hometown: Bridgewater, Massachusetts
Position: Attacking midfield
Clubs/Organizations: JELLO community service club, Women’s Club Volleyball, Trinity Environmental Action and Climate Justice, the Venture program, and research Forest Ecology with Environmental Science and Gender Equity and Justice as a Community Learning Research Fellow
How did you become involved in coaching the HMTCA middle school soccer team?
This past summer, I decided to apply for the open coaching position on the Hartford Public School website, where I got assigned as the head Middle School Soccer Coach at HMTCA! I was then blessed to have my friend Eulalia agree to be my co-coach.
What is a memorable moment or a highlight from this season with your own team and the middle school team?
The most memorable moment this season for me as HMTCA’s coach was our eighth-grade “senior night.” For our last regular-season game, Eulalia and I made posters and had a rose ceremony for our kids who will be moving on to high school. The night was complete with yummy cupcakes, “senior” speeches, lots of smiles, and the opportunity for all of our eighth graders to start the game together.
What has been the most rewarding part of coaching this season?
The most rewarding part of coaching this season was watching the kids develop as people alongside their growth as soccer players. The improvement from our first game to playing in the championship as an organized, skillful, united unit was truly inspiring. I am so proud of their ability to translate what we taught them into an unstoppable underdog squad. Off the field, their growth has surpassed this. They have grown to display effort, tenacity, coachability, respect, and positivity- a true combination for a winning team.
What advice would you give to students interested in coaching or working with younger students?
The opportunities are out there; you just must work to find them! The freedom of college life is overwhelming, but there are so many incredible resources at Trinity to help you find what you’re looking for. Start by identifying something you’re passionate about and go from there!

Eulalia Esquenet
Class of 2027, Political Science major
Hometown: Bethesda, Maryland
Position: Center Defender, Captain of the Trinity College Club Soccer Team
What is a memorable moment or a highlight from this season with your own team and the middle school team?
One of the highlights from this season with my middle school team has been witnessing their development as both athletes and teammates as we made it to the championship game. Last season, they only won a single game. But this season, they got second place in the league showing an incredible transformation. HMTCA Middle School soccer hadn’t reached a championship game in 10 years.
What challenges have you faced coaching a middle school team, and how did you overcome them?
One of the toughest challenges we faced was losing the championship game. It was an emotional loss, and many of the players were visibly upset after putting in so much effort. Consoling them was difficult, as it’s never easy to see such disappointment in young players. I tried to help them focus on how far they had come and reminded them that setbacks are part of learning and growth in sports—and life.
Coaching these middle schoolers has been one of the most fulfilling experiences of my college career. It’s a privilege to be part of their journey, and I’m grateful for the opportunity to share my passion for soccer and life lessons with them. – Eulalia Esquenet ’27